Middle School and High School Student Ministry
Welcome to the student ministry web page for Lone Oak Church of Christ youth, grades 6th through 12th. Whether you are looking up information about youth groups or looking for a new church family, Lone Oak is the right place to look! We are simply a group of people working toward heaven together. Our students are not perfect. They are simply attempting to walk with Christ each day of their young lives (1 John 1:7). We are traditional and blended families from all walks of life who love the Lord and his people.
We have a wide variety of students from McCracken and the surrounding counties. We represent many different schools in our area. The Middle School and High School student ministries are very active. We have regularly scheduled Bible classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Here are a few activities we offer our students:

- Devotionals
- Hayrides
- Game nights
- Bowling Nights
- Amusement and Water Parks
- Mission trips
- Winterfest
- Celebration
- Camps- Uplift and Western Kentucky Youth Camp
We would love for you to come visit us and join the fun as we journey together to grow in Christ. During these times of Covid-19 we are doing our best to continue our student ministry even though it looks a little different at this time. Hopefully soon things will begin to return to normal.
Jamey Boone
Youth Minister